Nederlands English
OCTOBER 6 2024
OCTOBER 6 2024

14 October: ‘Sustainable Living’ theme day

On the ‘Sustainable Living’ theme day, multiple programmes will run concurrently. You can use the transmission platform on the day to select the programme you wish to follow.

09:00 - 09:30
Opening Utrecht Science Week and interview with the famous ‘green growth’ economist Mariana Mazzucato
by Maarten Hajer and Henk Kummeling
Rainbow bar
09:30 - 09:45
Opening of the University of Applied Science Utrecht ‘Samen Duurzaam Doen’ Sustainability Day
by Frénk van der Linden, Tineke Zweed and Jan Henk van der Velden.
Opening of the Utrecht University Pathways to Sustainability Conference ‘Making Change Happen’
by Henk Kummeling
Rainbow bar
09:45 - 16:30
Continuation of the Utrecht University Pathways to Sustainability Conference ‘Making Change Happen’

With performances by theatre maker and Urban Astronaut Marjolijn van Heemstra, climate scientist and lead author of several IPCC reports Valerie Masson-Delmotte and Lynn Zebeda of Dr. Monk, a global network of young people working for a just, clean and beautiful world. In addition, there will be break-out sessions on the themes of Scientist and Activist, In Therapy with... Breukers and Godrie, Innovation based on Green Chemistry and Successful Collaborative Projects for Radical Innovation. More information...
Rainbow bar
10:00 - 14:45
Continuation of the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht ‘Samen Duurzaam Doen’ Sustainability Day

GroenLinks MEP Bas Eickhout, Professor of Socio-Economic Transitions Derk Loorbach and HU University of Applied Science Utrecht Executive Board member Wilma Scholte op Reimer will provide interactive sessions on the European Green Deal, sustainable transitions and applied research and practice-based education. In addition, there will be interviews with Tineke Zweed, Carolien van Hemel and Mieke Oostra focusing on smart mobility, a sustainable city and healthy living environment as well as workshops on mobility, circularity and energy transition. More information...
15:15 - 15:55
Sustainable Campus Challenge – Sustainable Living Final
Utrecht University, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and ROC Midden Nederland are committed to Challenge-Based Education: an educational concept in which interdisciplinary student teams and clients from professional practice collaborate within a short-term project to find innovative solutions to major social challenges in the region, such as sustainable and healthy living. These 'Challenges' are organised by the Challenge Alliance Utrecht, in which the City of Utrecht and the Economic Business Alliance are represented alongside these educational institutions. One of these Challenges is the Sustainable Campus Challenge. Today, the three finalists will be presenting their innovative solutions for a sustainably accessible, circular and energy-efficient campus. The audience will ultimately select the winner of the USW Talent Award – Sustainable Living.
Rainbow bar
15:55 - 16:10
Sustainable Campus Challenge – Sustainable Living Award Ceremony
with the Mayor of De Bilt Sjoerd Potters, Jan Henk van der Velden and Coen van den Braber.
Rainbow bar
16:10 - 16:15
Closing remarks
by Coen van den Braber.
Rainbow bar