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OCTOBER 5 2025
OCTOBER 5 2025

Privacy statement

As of May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. From that date, the same privacy legislation applies in the European Union (EU). If you receive emails from us, this means that we have your contact details on file and that we consider you a valuable contact. Your privacy is important and your personal data is stored by us in a secure CRM. We do not store any privacy-sensitive information. We only use your data to keep you informed via our newsletter and/or for invitations to activities of the Utrecht Science Park Foundation / Utrecht Science Week and/or its partners. We do not share your data with anyone other than the aforementioned authorities. You have the right to view, change and delete your personal data. You can do this by contacting us by email (

This website uses Google Analytics and collects data to a very limited extent (ip address is anonymised). No other cookies are used.

Last updated on 9/16/2021.