Nederlands English
OCTOBER 6 2024
OCTOBER 6 2024

15 October: ‘Healthy Living’ theme day

09:00 - 09:15
by discussion leader Hans Snijder, Jan Henk van der Velden and Peter Luijten
Rainbow bar
09:15 - 09:30
Interview ‘Healthy living: a prerequisite for viable future healthcare!’
Interview with Pauline Meurs by Hans Snijder about healthy living as the basis for accessible, high-level care for everyone.
Rainbow bar
09:35 - 10:20
Round table discussion ‘Everlasting life: the unprecedented future of our bodies’
By investing in healthy living from an early age, healthy old age is within everyone’s reach: but is that enough to reach the age of 120 comfortably? Nienke Bleijenberg, Linda van Laake, Jeroen Pasterkamp and Roel Vermeulen speak to Andrea Maier about healthy ageing, lifestyle, life goals, exercise and nutrition.
Rainbow bar
10:25 - 10:45
USP Talk ‘Robot The Beast’
The super-fast robot The Beast can process no less than 20,000 PCR tests in 24 hours and thus adds an extra dimension to the control of pandemics. Wouter de Laat and (name to follow) explain the groundbreaking role of the robot. The Beast is a Dutch invention developed by the Hubrecht Institute and biotech company Genmab.
Rainbow bar
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break
Rainbow bar
11:15 - 12:00
Round table discussion on ‘Rise of superbug threatens health of millions’
The growing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is a major potential threat to public health. Currently, some 25,000 people die as a result of antibiotic resistance in Europe every year. But there is hope. Marc Bonten, Suzan Rooijakkers and Jaap Wagenaar speak to the Ed Kuijper of the RIVM about the risks of the arrival of the superbug and about the necessity of One Health: one health for humans and animals.
Rainbow bar
12:05 - 12:25
USP Talk ‘ICAT: centre of expertise for personalised regenerative treatment’
Jos Malda highlights the significant value of the newly established Innovation Center for Advanced Therapies (ICAT) for the prevention and control of diseases. The ICAT aims to fast-track the availability of personalised regenerative treatments. These treatments are partly developed on the basis of immune cell, stem cell and organoid technology, in which Utrecht plays a pioneering role. The ICAT is a joint initiative of the Hubrecht Institute, the Princess Máxima Center, the University Medical Center Utrecht UMCU and Utrecht University.
Rainbow bar
12:25 - 13:15
Lunch break
Rainbow bar
13:15 - 13:40
Youth Debate ‘The Future of Healthcare’
Jitte Jennekens, Linda Peters, Tessa Sturkenboom and Thèron Vellema are (former) students with a broad interest in politics and social issues. They will be discussing their ideas, ideals and ambitions surrounding the theme of healthy living. What would they themselves tackle first as Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport? And where do their preferences lie in terms of how to achieve their goals: pure science and academia, applied research or a career in politics?
Rainbow bar
13:45 - 14:05
USP Talk ‘The Operating theatre of the future’
The University Medical Center Utrecht/Wilhelmina Children's Hospital and the Princess Máxima Center are jointly realising an operating theatre with a robotic arm and intra-operative MRI scanner. This will allow children with brain tumours to receive optimal treatment. The robot arm was purchased thanks in part to the world-famous nail varnish campaign of 2016 initiated by the then six-year-old Tijn at 3FM Serious Request. Eelco Hoving sets out a bright future for children who still have their whole lives ahead of them.
Rainbow bar
14:10 - 14:50
Round table discussion ‘Tinkering with humans: questions of ethics and social responsibility’
Artificial intelligence, big data, biobanks, generative medicine, tissue engineering, stem cell research, tinkering with DNA and reproductive technologies. Technological developments are moving fast and seem to be developing faster than the relevant ethics. Nienke de Graeff, Peter Joosten, Wouter Kollen, Helianthe Kort and Nick Ramsey discuss the moral frameworks regarding the dilemmas facing (applied) research. How far can we go in tinkering with man and where is the line between curing and improving?
Rainbow bar
14:50 - 15:15
Tea Break
Rainbow bar
15:15 - 15:55
Sustainable Campus Challenge – Healthy Living Final
Utrecht University, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and ROC Midden Nederland are committed to Challenge-Based Education: an educational concept in which interdisciplinary student teams and clients from professional practice collaborate within a short-term project to find innovative solutions to major social challenges in the region, such as sustainable and healthy living. These 'Challenges' are organised by the Challenge Alliance Utrecht, in which the City of Utrecht and the Economic Business Alliance are represented alongside these educational institutions. One of these Challenges is the Sustainable Campus Challenge. Today, the three finalists will present their innovative solutions for a healthy, liveable and social campus. The audience will ultimately choose the winner of the USW Talent Award - Healthy Living.
Rainbow bar
15:55 - 16:10
Sustainable Campus Challenge – Healthy Living Award Ceremony
with the King’s Commissioner Hans Oosters, Jan Henk van der Velden and Coen van den Braber.
Rainbow bar
16:10 - 16:15
Closing remarks
by Coen van den Braber
Rainbow bar
15:00 - 17:30
Life Science Facility Event
During the Utrecht Science Week on 15 October, the Utrecht Life Science facilities will present themselves at the Utrecht Life Sciences facility event. The event and promises to be a great opportunity to (re)present your research facility and meet stakeholders. Watch the event online at the Utrecht Science Week livestream or register to join live at Van Lier & Egginkzaal, Heidelberglaan 8, 3584CS Utrecht.