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OCTOBER 6 2024
OCTOBER 6 2024

Edition 2024

We look back enthusiastically on an incredibly successful and inspiring fourth edition of Utrecht Science Week with fascinating speakers, progressive visions, surprising encounters and meaningful conversations. The complete overview of all programme components of the Utrecht Science Week in 2024 can be found here.

Check out the beautiful footage of Utrecht Science Week ‘24 below.

Aftermovie Utrecht Science Week 2024

Watch the aftermovie of Utrecht Science Week 2024 now.

Videographer: Moker Media.
Videographer: Images Betweter Festival Vincent van den Brink.

Thursday 26 September

Heineken Prize lectures at Utrecht University – photographer Bas van Breukelen

Friday 27 September

Symposium Beyond Animal Testing in Biomedical Science – photographer Seth Carnill

Opening with third Utrecht Science Lezing – photographer Seth Carnill

Utrecht Science Week has started!

This afternoon was the official opening of the Utrecht Science Week. A week full of lectures, debates, tours on groundbreaking science at the Utrecht Science Park.

The kick-off was done by Jan Henk van der Velden, Anton Pijpers, Wilma Scholte op Reimer and Arno Hoes. Followed by Peter Luijten‘s Utrecht Science Lecture as part of his farewell, with guest speakers Nico Van Den Berg, Karijn Suijkerbuijk, Marianna Tryfonidou, Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai.

Wonderful to see how valuable collaborations between different disciplines in life sciences lead to great successes.

We are looking forward to next week! Check out the programme and register.

UtrechtScienceWeek LifeScience Opening

Betweter Festival – photographer Ben Houdijk 

Betweter Festival – photographer Jelmer de Haas

Monday 30 September

Boulevard of Dreams – photographer Thomas Dobber

Movienight + Q&A | Help, Utrecht floods! – photographer Jelle Leusink

Walking Dinner – photographer Seth Carnill

Official kick-off collaboration platform ‘Utrecht Cancer’ during the Utrecht Science Week

The Utrecht Science Park houses a unique combination of knowledge institutes, (academic) hospitals and companies within one square kilometre. For quite some time, these partners have been working intensively together on pioneering research and developments in the treatment of cancer among children, adults and animals. On Monday 30 September, this unique collaboration on cancer research was empowered by the official launch of the ‘Utrecht Cancer’ collaboration platform, during the Utrecht Science Week.

Tueseday 1 October

Dag van de Duurzaamheid – photographer Seth Carnill

Sustainability Day 2024 filled with inspiring lectures, workshops, a ClimateCasino and SpaceBuzz

On Tuesday, 1 October, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht organised the Sustainability Day (Dag van de Duurzaamheid) during the Utrecht Science Week. This year, the theme was ‘A social and fair sustainability transition’.

It was a successful day with many interesting activities on the programme. Read more about it here.


#UtrechtScienceWeek #DagvandeDuurzaamheid #Sustainable

Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst – photographer Seth Carnill

Wednesday 2 October

Utrecht Science Park Pubquiz for students – photographer Seth Carnill

Thursday 3 October

Keynote Lecture Jos Malda: The success of collaboration: team science in practice – photographer Thomas Dobber

Interactive Preventive Health Seminar – photographer Seth Carnill

Healthcare and Laboratories of the Future – photographer Seth Carnill

Friday 4 October

Finale Sustainable City Challenge 2024 – photographer Seth Carnill

Team ‘Utrecht Oost’ winner Sustainable City Challenge during the Utrecht Science Week.

Friday 4 October was the final of the Sustainable City Challenge, a five-day pressure cooker during the Utrecht Science Week, where student teams were challenged to come up with creative ideas for a more sustainable Utrecht in different neighbourhoods, including Overvecht, Cartesius, Merwede and Utrecht Science Park.

Around 100 students from ROC Midden Nederland, HKU and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht worked in mixed teams on the five sustainable themes: climate adaptation, active mobility, community building, (mental) well-being and circularity.

Together with partners including the Cartesius Consortium, Utrecht UniversityProject OROM Utrecht Region and Municipality of Utrecht, the student teams worked on challenging issues with the aim of making Utrecht healthier, more liveable and greener.

Team ‘Utrecht Oost’, with the theme Climate Adaptation, won the challenge with their idea around ‘Green Corridors’. They were presented with the prize by André van Schie in the presence of Eva Reuling and Jan Henk van der Velden, among others.

Utrecht Challenge Alliantie

UtrechtScienceWeek SustainableCityChallenge

Sunday 6 October

Weekend van de Wetenschap – photographer Mira Frinsel

Speakers during edition 2024

Ruedi Aebersold
Ruedi Aebersold studied cellular biology at the University of Basel in Switzerland, where he also obtained a PhD in cellular biology. After two postdoctoral positions at the California Institute of Technology, he was appointed associate professor at the University of British Colombia in Vancouver in 1989. In 1993, he left for Seattle, where he was appointed professor of molecular biotechnology at the University of Washington in 1998. In 2000, he co-founded the world’s first Institute of Systems Biology there. In 2004, he moved back to Switzerland and became a professor of systems biology at the technical university ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Will be awarded Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics 2024.

→ 26-09, 15:30uur: Heineken Prize lectures at Utrecht University
Jeffrey Beekman
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Beekman, professor of Cellular Disease Models and Organoids with a focus on Cystic Fibrosis, founder of FAIR therapeutics for better access to drugs.

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?
Manon Benders
Manon Benders is a paediatrician-neonatologist at the UMC Utrecht and researches and works on new treatment methods on brain development of premature infants.

→ 01-10, 18:30uur: Publieksevent Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst
Nico van den Berg
Nico van den Berg, Head of the Computational Imaging group for MRI diagnostics and therapy UMC Utrecht, on the impact of AI on image-guided interventions.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
Wiepke Cahn
Wiepke Cahn is Professor of Physical Health in Psychiatric Disorders / Psychiatrist at UMC Utrecht.

→ 03-10, 14:30uur: Interactive Preventive Health Seminar
Martin Chaigneau
Martin Chaigneau is Senior Advisor Healthy Neigbourhoods at Utrecht Municipality.

→ 03-10, 14:30uur: Interactive Preventive Health Seminar
Roel Custers
Roel Custers is an orthopaedic surgeon at UMC Utrecht and advocates a joint-sparing approach, for example with stem cell cartilage transplantation.  

→ 01-10, 18:30uur: Publieksevent Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst
Florijn Dekkers
Dr Florijn Dekkers is co-founder of Green Labs NL Foundation, former senior researcher Princess Máxima Center and currently Scientific Coordinator Circular Safe Hospital EWUU Alliance.

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?
Qingyi Feng
Qingyi Feng is passionate-for-life-and-dedicated-to-work complex data scientist and currently coordinating the Centre for Complex Systems Studies (CCSS) and the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC), which harbour talented researchers from a wide range of disciplines seeking novel solutions for societal/scientific challenges.

→ 30-09, 16:00uur: Workshop Science of Success
Joost Fledderus
Joost Fledderus is associate professor and biologist at UMC Utrecht.

→ 01-10, 18:30uur: Publieksevent Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst
Sabine Fuchs
Sabine Fuchs is a paediatrician in metabolic diseases at UMC Utrecht.

→ 01-10, 18:30uur: Publieksevent Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst
Martin van Gelderen
Martin van Gelderen currently works at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management as Acting Head of the Department of Substances and Water Chains. After studying and obtaining a PhD in Geodesy at Delft University of Technology, he worked as a university lecturer. After more than 10 years he transferred to the former Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management as policy advisor in the traffic safety domain and later made the switch to the water and soil domain, where he was program manager PFAS and deputy department head.

→ 02-10, 15:15uur: Dialoogsessie Samenwerken aan gezond en circulair water
Karin Gerritsen
Karin Gerritsen is a Nephrologist at UMC Utrecht studying how to make dialysis better, more sustainable and less stressful for patients by using smart materials, chip technology and kidney cells.

→ 01-10, 18:30uur: Publieksevent Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst
Rieke van der Graaf
Dr Rieke van der Graaf is an associate professor of Bioethics with a focus on scientific ethics and Global Health, former member of the working group 'Revision of CIOMS guidelines.

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?
Arte Groenewegen
Member and co-founder CO2-assistent. Where the aim is to implement sustainability and climate change in medical education.

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?
Renske ten Ham
Renske ten Ham is onderzoeker bij het UMC Utrecht op het gebied van Gezondheidseconomie ontwikkelt modellen om vergoedingsbeslissingen te ondersteunen.

→ 01-10, 18:30uur: Publieksevent Ziekenhuis van de Toekomst
Arno Hoes
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and vice-chairman of the Executive Board of UMC Utrecht.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
Roberta Hofman
Dr Roberta Hofman-Caris has been an associate lecturer in Water at the Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry Lectorate at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht since 2023. She combines this position with a position as senior scientist at KWR Water Research Institute and is visiting scientist at the Department of Environmental Technology at WUR. She is mainly concerned with water treatment and resource recovery.

→ 02-10, 15:15uur: Dialoogsessie Samenwerken aan gezond en circulair water
Lotty Hooft
Prof. dr. Lotty Hooft, Julius Centrum afdeling Epidemiologie & Gezondheidseconomie, lid van de stuurgroep Wetenschappelijk Comité International Clinical Trial Registry Platform en directeur van Cochrane NL

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?
Chris Klijn
Chris Klijn, Vice President, Head of Discovery Data Science & Target Discovery Genmab.

→ 03-10, 15:30uur: Genmab: Healthcare and Laboratories of the Future
Renata Klop
Dr Renata Klop, strategic advisor and cartel leader on the topic of sustainable care and health at ZonMw.

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?
Celina Kroon
Celina Kroon is responsible for the transition to sustainable care, research and education at UMC Utrecht. In which we increase our positive impact on health by reducing our negative impact on climate and environment. Topics include making our buildings more sustainable, energy supply, mobility, creating a health-promoting environment, preventing medicine residues in waste water and circular business operations.

→ 01-10, 10:00uur: Dialoog Samen Reizen
Thomas ter Laak
Thomas ter Laak, senior researcher Chemical Water Quality KWR. He deals with the sources, monitoring, behavior, occurrence as well as modeling of (new) micropollutants in the water chain. Over the past decade, Thomas has conducted research on various substances including pharmaceuticals and their transformation products.

→ 02-10, 15:15uur: Dialoogsessie Samenwerken aan gezond en circulair water
Marije Lammers
Marije Lammers is Postdoctoral Researcher Healthy Living Environment at Utrecht University.

→ 03-10, 14:30uur: Interactive Preventive Health Seminar
Kadir van Lohuizen
Kadir van Lohuizen has reported on conflicts in Africa and elsewhere, but is probably best known for his long-running projects on the world's seven rivers, sea level rise, the diamond industry and migration in the Americas. He is also a World Press Photo award-winning photographer.

→ 02-10, 19:15uur: Eerlijke voedseltransities, gezondheid en afnemende groei
Peter Luijten
Jos Malda
Jos Malda is professor of Biofabrication in Translational Regenerative Medicine at the Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht, a collaboration of UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University and the Hubrecht Institute. With his team, he focuses on the development of innovative 3D bioprinting technologies for creating tissues and organs.

→ 03-10, 13:30uur: Keynote Lecture Jos Malda: The success of collaboration: team science in practice
Matthias Mann
Matthias Mann studied physics and mathematics at the Georg August University in Germany. In 1988, he received his PhD in chemical engineering from Yale University in the United States. After a postdoctoral position at the Southern Danish University, he became group leader at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg in 1992. In 1998, he was appointed professor of bioinformatics at the Southern Danish University, and he has been director of the Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried since 2005. He has simultaneously been director of the proteomics programme at the University of Copenhagen since 2007. Will be awarded Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics 2024.

→ 26-09, 15:30uur: Heineken Prize lectures at Utrecht University
Jan Paul van Meenen
Megan Milota
Dr. Megan Milota is an Associate Professor of Narrative Medicine at the Julius Center Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, UMC Utrecht in the Netherlands. Since 2017, she has been integrating narrative medicine into the medical and paramedical training programs in Utrecht. Megan is also an ambassador for the New Utrecht School, a platform that facilitates interdisciplinary dialogue, collaboration, and creative exploration between the (bio)medical sciences and humanities. The New Utrecht School is also one of the accelerators in the UMCU's Connecting Worlds 2020-2025 strategy.

→ 01-10, 17:00uur: Book Club, 'Less is More'
Aniek Moonen
Aniek is former chair of the Young Climate Movement and committee member on Broad Prosperity at the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure. She also co-hosts 'BNR Duurzaam'. She moderates and gives keynotes on sustainable leadership, the climate crisis and involving young people in big issues like the climate crisis. → 01-10, 10:30: Dag van de Duurzaamheid

→ 01-10, 10:30uur: Dag van de Duurzaamheid
Tzviya Zeev Ben Mordehai
Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai is an associate professor at Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research of the Utrecht University in the Netherlands. An expert in cellular structural biology of mammalian gametes and structural biology of membrane proteins.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
Mei Nelissen
Mei Nelissen is a PhD student at NIOZ and Utrecht University as well as an enthusiastic storyteller. She researches the Earth's palaeo-archives to learn more about climate change in the past and future. She likes to share her experience and knowledge with a broad audience to make scientific research more accessible and fun. After starting her bachelor's degree in Biology in 2015, she has not left the Science Park.

→ 02-10, 17:00uur: Pubquiz voor studenten
Anton Pijpers
Anton Pijpers (1958) has been chairman of the Executive Board of Utrecht University since 1 October 2017. After studying veterinary medicine at Utrecht University, he worked as a veterinarian. He also obtained his PhD from Utrecht University and was appointed professor in 1993. Between 2000 and 2009, Anton Pijpers left the university and was general director of the Animal Health Service. In 2009, he returned as dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In 2014, he became vice-chairman of the Executive Board. A bridge builder, he enjoys working with deans, students and staff on both a strong regional network and the university's international appeal. He also holds several (unpaid) ancillary positions. For example, he is a member of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health steering committee, vice-chairman of the Economic Board Utrecht and chairman of Fulbright The Netherlands.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
Wilma Scholte op Reimer
Wilma Scholte op Reimer  is president of the Executive Board of HU University of Applied Sciences. She previously served as Dean of the Faculties of Sports and Nutrition and Health at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, in addition to holding an endowed chair in Complex Care focusing on heart patients at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
→ 01-10, 10:30uur: Dag van de Duurzaamheid
Eva Rovers
Eva Rovers is a non-fiction writer and the director of Bureau Burgerberaad. She is an expert on democratic renewal and regularly performs in the media, at conferences as well as at festivals such as Lowlands and Brainwash. Last year, she published ‘Nu is het aan ons’ (‘Now it's up to us’), in which she argues why we should not to leave politics exclusively to politicians – but instead how citizens are vital to tackling the most complex issues of our time. Citizens' assemblies are a perfect way to accomplish this.  

→ 01-10, 10:30uur: Dag van de Duurzaamheid
Rob Ruijtenbeek
Rob Ruijtenbeek, Vice President, Head Antibody Discovery Technologies Genmab.

→ 03-10, 15:30uur: Genmab: Healthcare and Laboratories of the Future
Daniela Salvatori
Daniela Salvatori is professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University. She is also head of the department of Anatomy and Physiology and chairman of Transition to Animal-free Innovation initiative Utrecht (TPI). Salvatori is an international authority on animal-free innovations in education and research.

→ 02-10, 19:00uur: Animales lezing: Better science with fewer laboratory animals: a techno-moral revolution
André van Schie
André van Schie (1969, VVD) has been deputy in the province of Utrecht since 21 August 2023. His mission: to work with courage and ambition for a healthy, sustainable, green and enterprising province of Utrecht. André is responsible for Mobility, Economy and Digitalisation. Subjects he previously followed actively, as a member of the States and parliamentary party chairman of the VVD (2019-2023) and as a councillor in the municipality of Utrecht (2010-2018). André wants to keep the province of Utrecht enterprising and accessible in the coming years, as sustainable as possible. Car, public transport, cycling and walking are central, as well as more investment in road safety. He wants to be visible to residents and entrepreneurs, to make it clear that the government is also there to help them, to use or turn around opportunities and threats together.

→ 04-10, 14:30uur: Finale Sustainable City Challenge 2024
Erik van Sebille
Erik van Sebille is an oceanographer and climate scientist. His research focuses on how ocean currents transport heat, nutrients, marine organisms and plastic litter. He builds computer models to simulate the transport of this ‘stuff’ in the ocean. He is also affiliated with the Freudenthal Institute, where he leads research into the effectivity of Public Engagement activities and the role of academics in society, within the context of Open Science. In 2024, he was appointed member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW).

→ 01-10, 15:30uur: Lagerhuisdebat: Activism by researchers and research supporters
Michiel van der Stelt
Michiel van der Stelt is Programme Manager Sustainability at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and works on the programme Healthy and Circular Drinkingwater.

→ 02-10, 15:15uur: Dialoogsessie Samenwerken aan gezond en circulair water
Christian Stricker
Karijn Suijkerbuijk
Karijn Suijkerbuijk is a translational medical oncologist with special interest in melanoma and immunotherapy. Her current research focuses on clinical and immunological parameters assoaciated with immune related adverse events during checkpoint inhibition and clinicopathological factors associated with checkpoint inhibitor response. Karijn works at the UMC Utrecht.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
→ 03-10, 15:30uur: Genmab: Healthcare and Laboratories of the Future
Marc Teunis
Marc Teunis is Associate Professor Hogeschool Utrecht in het lectoraat Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry, Data Science Group.

→ 03-10, 15:30uur: Genmab: Healthcare and Laboratories of the Future
Marianna Tryfonidou
Marianna Tryfonidou is researching back pain caused by wear and tear of the intervertebral disc, the pad between the vertebrae of the back. Back pain is a major problem in both humans and dogs. She is developing two innovative treatments for dogs that will eventually allow doctors to treat people with back pain as well. She works at Utrecht University.

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
Mario Veen
Mario Veen has been working as a senior lecturer within the lectureship Communication in Digital Transition at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht since 2023. He researches how social interaction in the climate and ecological crisis can be constructive and realistic, and the role of professionals in it.

→ 30-09, 12:30uur: Workshop Klimaatdesinformatie: vergroot je weerbaarheid tegen dit gezondheidsrisico
Jan Henk van der Velden
Jan Henk van der Velden, managing director of the Utrecht Science Park foundation since 2017, on the Utrecht Science Park: "I find it particularly interesting how, at the Utrecht Science Park, healthcare and knowledge institutions, research institutes and companies are collaborating intensively at a very high level on health and sustainability. It's a great opportunity to be able to contribute to this together with the Utrecht Science Park team."

→ 27-09, 15:30uur: Opening Utrecht Science Week 2024: De derde Utrecht Science Lezing
→ 04-10, 14:30uur: Finale Sustainable City Challenge 2024
Lilian van der Ven
Lilian van der Ven is Prevention Coordinator at UMC Utrecht.

→ 03-10, 14:30uur: Interactive Preventive Health Seminar
Nicolaas Veul
Nicolaas Veul is a documentary filmmaker with VPRO and has made Gay-K, Oudtopia and Super Stream Me, among others. He also presents Beestieboys, the children's program about the bizarre love between humans and pets.

→ 30-09, 19:30uur: Filmavond + Q&A | Help, Utrecht overstroomt!
Daan Warnas
Daan Warnas (26) is a presenter and moderator. After studying Cultural and Social Education (Social Work) at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, he regularly returned to HU as presenter of various educational festivals. He is also currently making a programme for Omrop Fryslân. ‘I am looking forward to the pub quiz with the fun facts about the Science Park!’

→ 02-10, 17:00uur: Pubquiz voor studenten
Anjali Wijnhoven
CO₂-assistant Utrecht and MSc Student of Medicine.  

→ 30-09, 15:30uur: Paneldiscussie: When does research become waste?

Programme edition 2023

Curious about what last year was like? Check out the programme of Utrecht Science Week edition ’23 here.

Programme edition 2022

Curious about the 2022 edtion was like? Check out the programme of Utrecht Science Week edition ’22 here.

Programme edition 2021

Curious how it all started in 2021? View the program of Utrecht Science Week edition ’21 online here.