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OCTOBER 6 2024
OCTOBER 6 2024
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Future Health Expo – The Inside Out

From 29 September to 2 October is the Future Health Expo at the Botanic Gardens. This is an initiative of the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) and Health Hub Utrecht. During the expo, art, health, biology, ethics, innovation and imagination come together.

Everything revolves around the question: what does our healthy future look like? Twelve HKU artists and a guest artist tilt our view of (mental) health through installations, performances and interactive work. They turn themselves, humans, but also nature inside out through echo-selfies, introspection, embroidery sessions and pettable insects. Get inspired by Utrecht’s young creators at the Future Health Expo 2024!

Tuesday 1 October
On 1 October, amid the Future Health Expo 2024 ‘ The Inside Out’ at Utrecht Botanical Gardens, dive into the rich palette of the research that HKU has to offer to reflect together on artistic, co-creative and caring ways to better understand and shape our world.

The programme starts in the morning with a plenary opening, where various introductions, keynotes and panel discussions will take place with individuals from the professional field. In the afternoon, it is time for lunch with a choice of tours. After lunch, the rounds of workshops will follow with workshops on co-creational and inclusive research, caregiving improvisation, among others.

More information

See the full programme of the Future Health Expo on 1 October on the website and register.