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OCTOBER 5 2025
OCTOBER 5 2025
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Programme update: Healthy and sustainable food: envision future scenarios to drive change in society

Utrecht Science Week programmes on Monday 2 October: healthy and sustainable food, agenda-setting by the Institute for Preventive Health (i4PH) of the Knowledge Alliance TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht.

Join us for an inspiring session on creating a healthy and sustainable food system, and driving change in society. The panelists, led by moderator Roel Vermeulen, will present future scenarios that envision a transformed world and provide strategies to bring it to life.

Discover the challenges and opportunities associated with building a sustainable food system, while exploring the broader implications of societal system change. Engage in dynamic discussions and gain insights into innovative ideas that pave the way for a better future.

Be part of this transformative event! Together, let’s shape a healthier, more sustainable world.

About the i4PH
The i4PH brings together the unique expertise of four prominent institutions in the Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and the University Medical Center Utrecht. This collaboration is unique in its approach to preventive health, which includes the integration of technology, behaviour, exposome, nutrition and biology.

The Institute is part of the strategic Alliance TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht (EWUU); check

Healthy and sustainable food: envision future scenarios to drive change in society”
Monday 2 October 2023 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Utrecht Science Park Foundation, Heidelberglaan 11, 3584 CS Utrecht

Roel Vermeulen, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science (UU)